My week at NCCAT

This week has been fun filled but slightly overwhelming.  I have learned so much and have so much that I want to implement this upcoming year.  We did an Ed camp this week, and their was a session about Interactive notebooks.  I have used these in the past but always hit difficulties or get frustrated.  I got so many different tips and tricks that I want to implement once the school year begins.  I also learned about new apps and technologies like Quiver and class craft that I want to learn more about.

My week here can not compare to other PD opportunities that I have attended.  Other PD’s are more sitting and being given information.  Here I had times where I was listening and learning, but was then given time to really talk about and plan how to use that information.  Other PD’s I some times get to know other teachers there but don’t have the time to really get to know them.  Here I feel like I’ve been amazing friends that I will have for the rest of my life.  I’ve gotten to live and learn with these teachers, and it has been an amazing experience that I’m forever grateful for.

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