Category Archives: General Kenan Fellow

Tired, but Inspired………

This week at NCCAT has been one of the most amazing learning experiences of my career. I cannot begin to explain my gratitude to the Kenan Fellows staff, and the wonderful Kenan Fellows steering committee. Way too many things to list, but our sessions on PBL, PBL mapping, Computational Thinking, creating our educational brand, Creating a culture of support in the classroom, our role in diversity, inclusion, and equity, not to mention the awesome goosechase, trip to Judaculla Rock, and patio PD! The Kenan EdCamp was enriching, as we had an opportunity to talk in a very relaxed setting about many of the topics we were introduced to this week.

I am going to try and implement many of these things, but immediately I am going to utilize the teacher as GPS resources that Paul shared with us on Tuesday and again during EdCamp. The conversation we had during EdCamp about assessment and assessment tools was super helpful. The next couple of days will be a debrief and unpacking of all of this material.

This experience far exceeds almost every PD I have ever completed due to the amazing skills brought to the table by the participants and steering committee. Probably the closest experiences I have to this week are the Empowering STEM  conference (where I learned about Kenan Fellows!) NCTIES and the Asheville EdCamp. This week was like all of those amazing experiences rolled into one!

Learning from peers is so invigorating, especially for an old guy like me.  As John Wooden said, “When you are through learning, you are through”.

On this summer solstice, the longest day of the year, I am tired, but so inspired to get started on my internship next week………