
Summer Institute Reflections

I don’t want to say good-bye and head back to the real world – and fortunately that’s not what we are doing. For better (and not worse), the virtual nature of the institute meant that all the networking tools we learned during the week will keep us working together.

I’ll remember the GooseChase/iNaturalist activity for the heart-thumping joy of running around the house and yard to find, create, photograph, download, and video the challenges. When my students are looking disconnected or lethargic, such scavenger hunt activities will be pretty easy to plan for or even to run at the spur of the moment. Thanks for all the opportunities to share and have fun. Go TeamB!

Another highlight was the equity/diversity/inclusion work that we engaged in throughout the week. So much thought was put into helping us to recognize the impact of identity on our lives. I especially appreciated the coaching around a situation with a colleague, it helped me to identify where I can have an impact in an oppressive situation. The jigsaw on systemic racism was so informative. That document will be a useful tool for staff development.

Having alumni available throughout the week, experiencing PBL, time to talk with other fellows . . . so many highlights created a stellar summer institute. Thank you.

By Andrea Walter

I am a fifth grade science teacher at Polk Central Elementary School in Polk County, NC. I am a National Board Certified Teacher, a Kenan Fellow, and a member of the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE), Environmental Educators of North Carolina (EENC, and the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA).

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