

“Compassionately Cultivating Learners”

This year’s start to school has been more challenging than I expected. I kept hoping that if we could just go back to school in person, then everything would be normal again. However, we are still dealing with a pandemic and the first few months of school have been overwhelmingly difficult for teachers and students.

My Kenan Fellows experience has helped me extend more grace to myself, my students, and other teachers. Understanding the importance of social and emotional health has caused me to see my students’ behavior and academic struggles through a lens of compassion. I am also more aware of and empathetic to my colleagues’ struggles this year. I still have high expectations for myself, my students, and my coworkers, but I am trying to remember the importance of balance and that the relationships are the most important piece of what I do each day.

I have also been more intentional about taking my students outside to learn when I can because the day we spent outside at NCCAT reminded me how reenergizing a little fresh air, a change of scenery, and time in nature can be. 

Finally, I am trying to look for leadership potential in others and especially reach out to encourage younger teachers this year. We desperately need them in our profession, but the struggle for them to remain in the fight is real. I want to be available with a listening ear and a positive voice.