July 30th, 2021

What was the most interesting moment?

With Kenan, the most interesting moment was the reigniting of the passion I have for teaching and determining what my mission is as an educator. At NCCAT I brought home a lot of new information that I am still trying to process. I even look over notes and slides at least once a week when I have thought of something I could apply. They bring up many questions that I have to research to obtain further knowledge but feel as though I have grown so much as an educator this summer compared to where I have been. 

In my internship, I think the biggest “aha” moment was when I found out there is this awesome museum that I didn’t even know about. While spending time with the educators, emails, communications with staff; as well as spending time as a tourist throughout the summer I have seen how community resources can be relevant within the classroom. The museum specifically as all of the exhibits that they have is beneficial to almost all of our grades curriculums. These can be intertwined and used within the curriculum. 

What has been your biggest challenge?

I think overall the biggest challenge this summer has been deciding what I can do that will make a difference in the school and community. Tons of ideas, but time and barriers to face. Then looking past the immediate project, how in the future can I continue reaching into the community for education, without overreaching. I want to be an advocate, but still have no idea where to start. 

What is your biggest takeaway?

Nothing is too small. Education comes in many different forms including not even being in a direct classroom. 

How has your knowledge of career opportunities changed?

I have always known I wanted to work with children, however, I know it sounds silly, but I thought that was just in the classroom. I have thought often about getting older and trying to keep up with students could be something I have to consider one day. Throughout meeting new people and resources I have discovered that there are multiple opportunities and roles involved in education that don’t have to work directly with the students. Those roles are just as important to the students as being in the classroom. I have met some amazing people this summer that don’t necessarily implement lessons to students but are involved in advocating, and developing programs, policies, curriculum, etc that are important to the development of students socially, mentally, and academically throughout their education. 

I am still unsure of how to find those opportunities, but I know if I needed to I could reach out to my support team.

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