
Get your Ag Mag

I worked with Neal Bass, was a farmer and that I worked with him in the summers. He would be the farmer I would conduct my three week internship with. I visited Virginia Fork several times because they started the process to treat peanuts to be used as seeds and later during harvest season. I visited several retail businesses in June to see how they sell peanuts. I interviewed Hal Burns from Hampton Farms and Mike from Sandyland Peanuts. I attended the NC Peanut Growers Association meeting in June, where I met Ashley Collins. I learned that NCPGA conducts programs in market research, market promotion, consumer education, and other activities relating to the sale, marketing, and distribution of peanuts and peanut products. I learned so much about peanut flavors, the history of peanuts and how technology is used to produce peanuts!

My work with Neal did not start until September, but I took pictures throughout the summer to show the growth which is a challenging process because they grow beneath the ground. My nephews and I decided to grow peanuts in a clear plastic container. This would help us see the peanut growing. You should have seen my students’ faces when they saw the peanuts in the container. I had one student dig up a peanut plant from a field behind his house and bring it in the next day to show the class he had peanuts too!

Through writing the Ag Mag, I looked at the standard course of study for grades K-8. This topic is important to students and teachers because we live in a rural community and farming is a big part of the way we live. Each year, the second grade at White Oak has a Farm Day field trip with Ag Extension. I helped Camyrn Byrum organize the field trip. I knew the Ag Mag would be a great piece to add. The Ag Mag will be a physical paper that each kid will receive for years to come as they learn about peanut production in Chowan County and North Carolina. At Farm Day, we also visit the Cotton Gin to learn about cotton production in Chowan County. Wouldn’t it be cool to have another Kenan Fellow from Chowan County produce an Ag Mag on cotton in the near future? Farm Day allows our students to learn about science, history, math, reading, technology, and economics. My work as a Kenan Fellow has strengthened my ability and my teammates’ ability to truly integrate our standard course of study into a topic our students can relate to.

I have a cohort of teachers from the mountains, Charlotte, and Durham that I meet with monthly. In addition, we have exchanged postcards about our areas. This allows my students to learn about different parts of our state. We will be having a zoom meeting on March 16 to learn about Oyster Farming from a teacher at Carteret Community College.
I have also shared ways that I teach in my room. I was able to help one teacher write grants to get new technology in her classroom and they have given me ideas to help in my classroom. Being a Kenan Fellow has strengthened my teacher leadership. For instance, I was asked to give a presentation this summer at the Trinity Center in Pine Knoll Shore to some teachers from Durham Public Schools. In December, I attended the NC Farm Bureau Convention in Raleigh to showcase what I had learned. I am proud to be a Kenan Fellow representing northeastern North Carolina.

I have completed the Ag Mag. It is now at the printer. I will have a physical copy by April 1st.

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