
What do you hope to gain from your fellowship experience?

I hope to gain authentic experience in the workforce and apply those engineering skills in the classroom and in my community. I also hope to network and meet regularly with my cohort review team to share lessons that will bring engineering activies to students across the state of North Carolina.


Describe your internship experience:

I have spent the past week at Coats America and have been totally impressed with all the interesting thread that is made in this industry. I have learned various types of thread that is used in seat belts, fireman uniforms, air bags, feminie products, clothes, shoes, and tires. These are just a few from many different types I have seen. It as been amazing to see the prodction of this thread as it is taken from large bins and spun into small threads that are so versatile and used in so many different ways. The biggest challenge for me has been to try and create an engineering kit on a 5th grade level from the complicated process of thread being made. The biggest take away has been talking to employees who are so knowledgable about the making of the product, color, and make of the thread. I spoke with a lady from the color lab and asked her if she had a degree in chemistry becuse she was so imformative. She told me she started on the floor and worked up to where she is now and Coats has taught her everything about the color lab. I was so impressed that a person can begin on the floor and have opportunities to move up. I viewed the first module from STEMwork and learned that students going into the work force lack soft skills, such as communication and attendance. I intend on including communication and higher level thinking skills in the engineering kit I create.