

I am wrapping up week 3 of my internship.  I have to say this experience has provided me with some valuable insight into equity and inclusion.  I visited DC Virgo Preparatory Academy with STEM SENC and learned about the development of their school and the progress they have made in just a few years.  I also visited CeSTEM on the campus of UNC-W where I learned about the teacher STEM hub for kits teachers could check out for lessons or STEM nights.  This helps provide equity for students across district lines.

I also spent a virtual Internship week with Alfred Mays, Burroughs Wellcome Fund.  He introduced me to several partners and many BWF award winners.  The information provided was overwhelming but inspirational.  I left this week ready to dive into my asset mapping project.  I would have to say listening to Mr. Flood from the Flood center brought tears to my eyes and made me realize why equity and inclusion should be at the forefront in everything we do.

This week I have connected with STEM West and learned about their asset mapping project that started last year.  I hope to connect the dots that they started and build upon this map to show a reflection of our joined efforts.  I also learned about PBL and how building these with teachers and industry leads to more authentic learning.  I would love to see these units or modules developed further and made available to teachers across the State.

As I wrap up the internship, I am beginning to feel empowered to make a difference and help leverage learning for all by identifying resources in STEM SENC and beyond.


KFP Summer Institute

Personal Branding is something I had never heard of but it allowed me to reach out to former students, colleagues, and co-workers to find out how they describe me both personally and professionally.  I reviewed these and did some soul searching as I did not feel like I was truly worthy to be called a Kenan Fellow.  However, as I continued to work on my personal branding I realized that I am Passionately Empowering Learners.  I would never claim to be the best but I feel that my passion shows as this word was listed several times and the fact that students stated that I empowered them to be better people and encouraged them to be life-long learners.  As I read each statement I realized that even though I feel that I may not be worthy, I have had a lasting impact on students and colleagues and for this reflection, I am eternally grateful.

This has been one of the most satisfying professional development opportunities I have ever attended.  I feel that I became inspired as I met with other teacher leaders across the state.  I realize that my impact can be far-reaching through listening to the stories from other Kenan fellows past and present.  Everything we did provided insight into teaching and learning.  I cannot wait to take this information and use it on a day-to-day basis in and out of the classroom.  Not only do I have the opportunity to impact students in the classroom but to also impact teachers across our district as we all work to improve student outcomes.


Kenan Fellow

As I start on this new journey, I hope to learn more about myself as I reflect on leadership and how I can use this opportunity to improve student outcomes.  I have a passion for science and want to help others find their passions.

Even though I am stepping out of my comfort zone I want to embrace these next few months.



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