Blog Prompts

 Due Date Prompt
Tuesday, June 16 Set up blog
Tuesday, June 23 What do you hope to gain from your fellowship experience?

  • Describe how being a Kenan Fellow could elevate your teaching career.
  • Give examples of how being a Kenan Fellow could improve your skills as a teacher and as a leader in your school and community.
Friday, June 26 Describe the highlight of your week at NCCAT and why it was important to you.

  • How do you plan to implement something you learned at NCCAT in your classroom?
  • Which session was your least favorite? Why?
  • How has the week at NCCAT compared with other PD opportunities you have attended?
  • Which session did you find most useful and why?
Tuesday, June 30 Add an “About My Fellowship” page to your blog. Include a photo of you with your Mentor.

  • List where you teach, what you teach, how long you have been teaching, why you wanted to become a Kenan Fellow and describe the goal of your internship.
  • Have someone at your internship site to take a picture of you with your Mentor preferably in the work setting. If this is not possible due to security concerns, chose a location that provides context.
Friday, July 3 Describe the goals of your internship as they relate to your work as an educator.
Friday, July 10 How do you see your internship experience benefiting your mentor’s organization?


Friday, July 17 You are creating a product that transfers your internship experience into educational resources. Please describe the challenges and successes you are experiencing.
Friday, July 24 Describe your internship experience thus far.

  • What was the most interesting moment?
  • What was the biggest challenge?
  • Describe what you saw and did: Did you see one aspect of a company or lab or did you visit different departments or sites? Did you work with a single mentor or multiple professionals?
  • What was it like working with your mentor(s)? How did they open your eyes to a new industry or research?
  • What is your biggest take away?
Friday, July 31 Describe something that you’ve learned as a result of your fellowship that will change how you teach this year.

  • How did this experience change your outlook as an educator?
  • Did it open you up to new possibilities? Please list some of those possibilities.
  • What will you do differently as an educator?
  • Did it affirm any ideals that you may have already had? If so, how so?
Friday, Aug. 7 Describe at least one way you can connect your summer internship experience to your classroom curriculum. Also, share and respond to at least three posts.


Friday, Aug. 30 Students Discover Fellows: The overarching goal of the Citizen Science modules you developed this summer is to engage students in doing “real science.”

  1. What are the key components of the module?
  2. On what conditions for success does each component depend?
All other Fellows: As you prepare for the 2015-16 school year, describe how you envision your summer experience impacting your students.
Wednesday, Sept. 30 You are six weeks into the school year.   Describe one new tool or strategy you have implemented.

  • How and why you are using it?
  • What impact is it having on you and your students?
Saturday, Oct. 31 Having completed all three Professional Advancement Institutes, what does this experience mean to you?

  • Of the three institutes which one did you find the most valuable and why?
  • How do the three institutes compare to other PD that you have had in the past?
Monday, Nov. 30 The Kenan Fellow/Mentor partnership is the foundation of our program. What does this partnership mean to you?

  • Did you work with a single mentor or multiple professionals?
  • Describe a time when your mentor helped you understand something or helped you have an “ah-ha” moment.
  • Discuss the working relationship between you and your mentor. Did you work side-by-side? Did he/she allow you to work on your own?
  • What do you consider to be the lasting impact of this relationship?
  • Do you plan to work together after the fellowship ends?
Saturday, Jan. 30, 2016 Describe ways your fellowship has changed you. Consider how you collaborate with peers, discover new talents and learn about STEM careers.
Sunday, Feb. 28, 2016 Describe a moment when your students experienced an “Ah-Ha” or “light bulb” moment because of something you taught them.

  • Did that moment grow from your experience as a Kenan Fellow? If so, how?
Thursday, March 31, 2016 Congratulations, you’ve finished your product! Reflect on the process and describe how you’d like to see it used locally and on a larger scale. Include a picture or video.
Saturday, April 30, 2016 Looking back at your first blog post, did you grow in the way you had hoped? Please reflect on your summer internship and the Kenan Fellows Program experience and describe how it has impacted you.

  • Describe a memorable moment.
  • Would you recommend the program to someone else? If so, why?
  • How did this school year compare to last year? Was it better as a result of your fellowship? The same?
Monday, May 30, 2016 Did you find this blog to be a valuable place for reflection during the past year? Please let us know if you intend to continue using this blog site.