On the Maker Movement and its implications for education

So, this is a post unrelated to Kenan, but it’s what is kicking around in my mind at the moment.

Next Saturday, I get to hang out at Maker Faire NC with some of my students and celebrate creativity (especially theirs). This will be my second trip to MFNC with students, and I’m always thrilled to watch them in action: inspiring other kids to create, play, and learn.

This article came across my Twitter feed earlier this week, and, although it is completely unrelated to the Maker Movement, it seems to encapsulate nicely why we ought to put education back into kids’ hands, both metaphorically and literally.


One thought on “On the Maker Movement and its implications for education

  1. LaTanya

    Ownership and the connections to student’s personal aspirations are crucial. Shaming, is unnecessary and can do more damage than good. Exposure is just the beginning. Thanks for sharing!

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