About Me


My name is Kristin Bedell. I am a teacher of the Academically and Intellectually Gifted at Efland-Cheeks Elementary School in Orange County, NC. In addition, I serve as a lead elementary science teacher for Orange County Schools and I help support teachers as part of the Orange County Schools’ AMC Anywhere early mathematics project. I have taught AIG/8th grade in Orange County at A. L. Stanback Middle School, 5th grade in Chapel Hill-Carrboro, and 4th grade in Alamance-Burlington Schools. I have also worked in high school and have even taught college. Prior to teaching, I worked as a freelance costumer and a milliner. You can read my resume by clicking HERE.

Outside of school, I live in Efland with my husband, our 3 children, and our pets (1 cat, and 1 corn snake). I like to read, sew, bake, build robots, listen to music, and learn new things. I also enjoy hiking, canoeing, and playing ice hockey, although I am out for the time being with a concussion. Sometimes, I even like to sleep, but that is in short supply with 3 little ones.

Twitter: @kdbedell

Website: https://sites.google.com/a/orange.k12.nc.us/aig-at-ece/

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/pub/kristin-bedell/59/694/a8b/

Paper.li: http://paper.li/kdbedell/1311615921

Email: kristin.bedell@orange.k12.nc.us