DAY ONE – Enjoy!

Cottle Farms' beautiful blackberries.

Cottle Farms’ beautiful blackberries.

Today was my first official day working with John Parker and Whit Jones of Cottle Farms – A “berry” wonderful experience.  My head is spinning! Muscadines, eggplant, blueberries, squash – what a bounty!

What beautiful vines!

What beautiful vines!

As we toured the various farms and facilities, I couldn’t help but think of all the wonderful projects my students could start next year to gain a better understanding of the tremendous impact agriculture has on Duplin County and what a tremendous impact they could have on sustaining future generations.  Again, my head is spinning.

2013-06-17 10.48.01

The “Bedder”

Thank you , Whit Jones,for giving me tremendous insight into the magnitude of the corporate/family farm.  Thank you, also, for answering my ridiculous number of questions!  What a patient man you are.

Thank you, Kenan Institute, for giving me this opportunity!

Tomorrow – the business of agriculture!