The Journey Begins…..

I can honestly say this has to be one of the biggest projects I have became a part of since I have started teaching. I am left with a ton of questions of about what is the direction we are heading….what is the outcome of this project…and which mentor do I ask certain questions to.

I hope to gain a better understanding of microbiology and have a better way of teaching the subject to my students. I will be honest, the micro unit is probably my least favorite to teach. This is why I was so intrigued with the Eggstatic project. I’m hoping to gain a new insight and “spark” to teaching micro where my students will also find an interest of the subject.

3 thoughts on “The Journey Begins…..

  1. dfurr

    I’m with you on all the different directions! After hearing all the technology tools available this week, I don’t even know where to begin. And it’s kind of overwhelming! But I try to tell myself that by challenging myself to try new things, I’ll grow as a teacher. Good luck with your fellowship!

  2. asolano

    All great journeys start with great questions. I have a feeling you are already finding your way. Thank you for a wonderful blog post.


    1. dpodgorny

      Amneris – love your quote, “All great journeys start with great questions.”… Would be a great blog title, ice breaker or intro to Kenan… Thanks, Donna

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