Oh NCCAT…Where Do I Even Begin….

 riverThere was definitely a great deal of “memorable moments” from the NCCAT retreat. From the technology standoff….racing down the rapids…the interesting food choices…and the great conversations on the patio memorable moments were being created every minute.

Honestly, the two events that stick out to me the most during our week at NCCAT was the white water experience and the great conversations that took place on the patio of where we stayed.

This was the first time I had been rafting. I will admit, I was not sure what I was about to get myself into. It turned out to be an amazing experience and I can’t wait to do it again. My raft was filled with some awesome people to travel down the river with. We laughed and shared stories as we traveled. Oh…and saved a child and a stranded raft….all in a day’s work. It was great to communicate with the Kenan Fellows group outside of the formal setting.

I also really enjoyed just the “patio conversations” that I had with the other fellows in the evenings. It was great sitting around sharing stories and bouncing ideas for projects. Great conversation took place between us “newbie” teachers and the teachers who had been in the battle field a little longer. To me this is when you can really learn and grow professionally. I think I got more ideas and more inspiration with the informal conversations than sitting in the meeting room. I guess we all learn and connect differently! I hope there will be more chances in the future to have these amazing conversations with my fellow colleagues.