Monthly Archives: July 2013

Curriculum Changes as a Result of Common Core

 I believe that Common Core and NC Essential Standards will positively influence my use of technology for learning in my classroom. Being that last year was my first year teaching Common Core and the Essential Standards it did not “ROCK MY WORLD” as it did some veteran teachers. As I had nothing to compare it to, it was easy to implement. In addition, incorporating 21st Century Learning Skills in to my lessons gives me the opportunity to welcome the use of more technology in the classroom.

However, some teachers my feel as though this is just “one more thing” added to an endless list of their duties as a teacher. I do not share that feeling…I welcome technology in my classroom. As a matter of fact, it as an important part of my weekly lessons. Afer all, we (teachers) are preparing our students to be globally competitive…aren’t we?

Connecting It All

How will I connect my summer externship experience to my classroom….uhmmm. Well… this is a question I pose to myself daily as I go out to different sites to visit different farmers. I ask myself “what is it that I want my students to understand at the end of all of this?” I want to challenge my students to become “producers” as well as “consumers”.

This year my students will plant a garden having a variety of crops from vegetables to flowers and in doing so will gain a greater understanding of agriculture and its importance.  Biodiversity will be my main focus as they engage in lessons about ecosystems/biomes, soil formation, as well as practices for good stewardship. Students will complete soil sampling as well as other activities that are directly related to the unit I will develop.


These cucumbers are on their way to the Mt. Olive pickle factory!

These cucumbers are on their way to the Mt. Olive pickle factory!

Beautiful field of wheat. (Before)

Beautiful field of wheat. (Before)


A combine is used to harvest wheat from the fields...this is the end result. (after)

A combine is used to harvest wheat from the fields…this is the end result. (after)

Soil sampling...this is an activity my students will complete this year.

Soil sampling…this is an activity my students will complete this year.



Leveraging Technology

While at NCCAT many teachers discussed their schools being 1:1 with laptops/iPads and my mind started to wonder. I wondered about all the things that my students could do in my classroom if they had the opportunity to be 1:1. The possibilities are limitless…there are so many great ways to foster student accountability as well as plan for rigorous lessons with the right tools. Without a doubt the greatest challenges for leveraging technology to empower learning in my classroom and school would be the sheer lack of “updated” technology. We have several computer labs (old computers/software) and a couple of laptop carts (that never work). However, I plan to talk to someone about the possibility of changing this problem.


Superhero (NCCAT Highlight)

Wow! This week was so amazing! The rafting was a wonderful bonding experience. I have made lifetime friendships during the week at NCCAT. “Flipping” the classroom has me the most excited. I think this could be great if implemented correctly. I left this professional development feeling like a superhero, ready to save students from some of the traditional methods of teaching. I am anxious and excited about using these new technologies that I have learned about this week. I left NCCAT feeling refreshed, renewed and ready to take on my second year as a teacher for the great state of North Carolina.  Thank you Kenan Fellows Program for such an awesome experience!

I enjoyed every moment...even when facing the unknown!

I enjoyed every moment…even when facing the unknown!