Using Lenovo Technology

The Lenovo tablet proved to be very helpful over the summer, as I used it almost daily instead of a computer.  It was convenient to bring it to my fellowship each day and I used it to write my blog posts, upload documents onto the Curriki site and do research on the internet.  To be honest, it took me awhile to get used to it though.  I struggled at first and almost gave up a few times.  I expected it to be like an ipad, but found that it was significantly different.  The webinar helped though, and each time we met as a whole group of Kenan fellows, I learned from other teachers.

While teaching, I have been using the Lenovo tablet to document my students’ work throughout the semester.  One of the professional development sessions that really made an impact on me was the one about collecting data while teaching.  I realized that my end-of-the-year evaluation could be much more convincing if I used pictures and videos of my students interacting with each other as they worked on cool activities.  So I carry the tablet with me to take pictures and record short videos.  The students also used it as they uploaded the pictures I took onto a website that they created as part of their honors project.  One of my pictures shows a group of students doing their honors project and the other shows some students working out their calculations.  I’m so thankful we were given the  opportunity to use this new technology!
