Think “Kenan” and What Images Come to Mind?

Having completed all three KFP Professional Development Institutes, what does this experience mean to you?

What does the “Kenan Experience” mean to me?

It means a shot in the arm. The shot includes inspiration, fresh air, excitement and energy. 


It means a push to stay on top of your game. It comes from the coach who won’t let you stop running whether it is half-time, pre-game or post-game.

McGraw with Diggins


It means a grandfather’s support; the kind of grandfather who is proud of who you are but who wants you to be better; the kind of grandfather who can bankroll a trip overseas for you to learn more about the world because your family could never provide you with such; the kind of grandfather who stands up for you and your profession when legislators in our state don’t seem to believe in us.

grandfather elderly

It means a candy store of goodies where you really can’t eat just one; where the candy is professional development and new trends; where the candy is a free and given just because someone believes in us.

Belgian chocolate store

It means fresh air.

fresh air


It means new people that are kind and wise that I can look up to and learn from. 

IMG_5750 Lisa Bolton


What have the Kenan Professional Development Institutes meant to me?

The world.

world in hands

A shinier, newer teacher toolbox.

new toolbox

A window to new dimensions.

window into other worlds

An adrenaline rush when new thoughts, ideas, perspectives and approaches hit you all at once. 
