Category Archives: Background and personal musings

Starting off…

So, this is it, I suppose, the obligatory “start-of-something-new” post. But you already know how this one goes; it’s similar to your own. Same feelings, same questions, etc.

So, for the sake of brevity and in order to avoid redundancy, here are the bullet points that mark the differences:

  • I’m one of three elementary teachers and nine teachers total assigned to the Kenan Fellows Food Safety Project for 2013-2015.
  • The project is a collaboration among 3 labs, 2 universities, and 4-H, funded by the Department of Agriculture. You can read more about it here.
  • I will be working in the Microbiome Research Core lab at UNC under M. Andrea Azcarate-Peril and María Belén Cadenas learning about bioinformatics.

I ought to have more to say in the coming weeks. In the mean time, here is a an article about probiotics that was sent me by my dear high school friend who, in a very unlikely coincidence, is a bioinformaticist (is that even a word?) working in a lab that is researching salmonella.