Monthly Archives: March 2014

Lesson Dissemation

As I reflect on the process and development of my Kenan Fellow lesson plan, I realize that the most difficult portion of the lesson was targeting the goal I would address.  My project assignment was to make connections with STEM working with CommScope and mentor Doug Blew.  My experience with CommScope was extensive and I left my summer externship with many ideas of possible goals and objectives that I could target.  During this past year, I have written and implemented many lesson plans, but I eventually decided to develop my unit on earth science and water quality.

I loved the portion of my externship where I was able to test the water quality of the site and witness the working of the wastewater treatment center.  As I look back at the process, I realize that I made changes on most every lesson that I taught and am planning to utilize the changes this spring as I review for our end of grade exam.

Lenovo Technology

Using the Lenovo tablet was definitely an advantage as I worked on my externship this past summer. The tablet was small, lightweight and complete with a functional case!  The video camera was awesome and made for some great pictures and video. Working with a windows based program made it easy for me to create and save documents.  I know the keyboard was a problem for some, but I did not experience any problems with connectivity and I continue to utilize the keyboard when working on the tablet.

Using the Lenovo in the classroom also has its benefits.  The ability to quickly take pictures has allowed me to capture many student activities.

Testing the WaterCommScope: Doug BlewZoofari