Here we go!

Tomorrow my fellow fellows (!) and I will be meeting at the Department of Public Instruction for the first day of our internship. I am, of course, very excited, but also a little nervous. Funnily enough, the thing I’m most nervous about is commuting to Raleigh! My current “commute” is less than 15 minutes on an empty road, so this will be a very different experience for me. Getting ready for the first day is always the hardest, when we are the most full of  superficial concerns—What should I wear? Will I not be cool if I pack my lunch? (just kidding…mostly)

This week, it sounds like we will be getting settled in–meeting people, learning about all the different things that are going on in the building, starting to gather ideas about our work there and our project, etc.. I feel so lucky to have received this fellowship, since I can tell already that so many opportunities for learning and growth are going to be opened up to us. It sounds like Dr. Howard will have us deeply involved in the going-ons both inside the building and out. Exciting stuff!