April- Looking Back

Looking back at your first blog post, did you grow as you had hoped?  Please reflect on your summer externship and Kenan Fellows Program experience and describe how it has impacted you as an educator and person.


Quote from first post: “We met in June and started our work together on a productive, encouraging note.  We are driven individuals who complement each other in our work and communication styles.  We have a common vision and goal to positively impact the math instruction in our state for K-2 teachers.”

I love reading this quote, because my first impressions of our team were exactly true.  Christina and Alex have become life-long colleagues and friends.  We have supported each other through the project, but also with our career goals and day-to-day teacher stresses/celebrations.  We are three women with synergy, and together with our mentor, we are a powerful team! Even with set-backs on the distribution of our curriculum, we worked together to champion through it.  Now, we are taking our goal of educating teachers in foundational math skills to the national arena.  We will be presenting our work at NCTM Richmond and NCTM Houston. We are excited that our work is reaching out beyond our local and state communities and feel confident that others will benefit from the information as much as we did!