A little bit of this and a little bit of that….

Think about your favorite foods… and ALL of them being available and in abundance on 1 buffet!  In a sense, this is how I view my Kenan experience thus far….
For me, each time our cohort is assembled, my educational plate overflows with best practices and was to improve and supplement current strategies.  Here are just a few highlighted experiences:
The experience has afforded me my first NCCAT experience.  While I loved being served each day (I told you I love food!), I got sooo much out of each session.  It was a NCCAT that I committed to flipping my classroom; mainly do to the rich training and support from those that had already successfully done so.  It was also at NCCAT that I decided to take advantage of a regular teacher session.  I was excited to find out last week that I’ll be attending TEACHER LEADERSHIP seminar in February 2014; this time at the Ocracoke site!!!
One of my favorite quotes is by Jim Rohn and says: “You are an average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”  I’m 100% sure that the concentrated time I spent with my fellow fellows (love it!) has made me a better person and educator.  While EVERYONE is awesome, I’d like to give a few shoutouts:
Kelly “My Kelly-Kel” Hines has become my “educational guru!”  If I need anything, she’s just a FB message or tweet away!  Her infinite wisdom has already pushed me to being a better educator!
Kimberly Tuft: ONLY in my world would my middle school project partner and I share the same first name!  I only hope that I also share the same kindness and zeal for education that I see and hear each time that we’re together.
Patricia Coldren and Jennie McGuire: I call you two my “Zen people.”  At almost the EXACT moment that I was about to pull my hair out, you’d email or reply and let me know that I wasn’t alone in the process!
Christy Wilson: My new ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNER.  It is always exciting to get to share both my dreams and accomplishments with someone with similar aspirations.  You are a truly giving person and I LOVE the fact that you keep me on my toes.  Congrats on the recent grants!  They have motivated me to apply for my 1st official ones!  (Sidenote: I did get my 1st DonorsChoose project fully funded on Monday.  Goal #1= COMPLETE!  Thanks for your suggestions and supports!)
Anna Frost: My DPI mentor.  While you are a SUPER busy person, I thank you for your feedback throughout the process.
Kenan Fellows has already opened doors for me that I had only once dreams of as an educator.  From co-facilitating DPI seminars this summer to being privvy to great opportunities such as Data Literacy training or Einstein fellowships, this opportunity has opened my eyes to where my skillset and training can take me in the educational profession; all with the end goal of POSITIVELY impacting the MOST students possible!
For me, the opportunity has meant a lot of things; from new strategies to new colleagues.  It’s an experience that I am sure to never forget!