Author Archives: Denise Humphries

The other side of Technology Evolution in the classroom

One of the biggest challenges I went through in my teaching career is teaching students who do not know life without a computer. Going through this learning process made me appreciate the power of technology in my classroom. Clearly in 21st century, learning to collaborate with others through technology in knowledge based community is critical to students success.  Technology has enabled me to address diverse learning styles in my classroom, integrate rich form of online research, and increase collaboration amongst students by giving them access to educational resources. Technology has brought significant changes in the education field. It has allowed me to seek greater specialization in the curriculum and teaching methodologies.  With these benefits of technology, I am also encountering some challenges in my classrooms.

1.  Technology can be disruptive inside the classroom: Multitasking between laptop, smartphone and other technologies in the classroom often distracts students. The urge to check emails, go on face book, tweeting and blogging distracts learning . It is impossible to sit in front of a web browser and not use it! I have asked my students to keep the laptop monitors down during instruction and open it during hands on time.

2. Assuming every student in this digital generation is tech savvy:  Even though most of the students know how to use smart phones for watching you tube videos does not mean that they know how to use technology to solve problems, and use it for application purposes. I found it very interesting to learn and help them through frustrations of not being able to use logger pro, or use their smart phone in the labs.

3. If not monitored closely, students cheat on assessments: World wide web gives students all the information at their fingertips. If not monitored, students use their smart phone and cheat.

Even with these challenges I cannot imagine my class with technology not present. As an educator I will continue to expand and explore new technologies before they hit the floor of the classroom.

NCCAT, the real retreat!

Last week at NCCAT was truly a remarkable retreat. In addition to the delicious meals and deserts, my favorite things were team building activities and the river rafting adventure.

During our first meeting, most of the time was spent on team building activities which was a perfect way to gather us as a group. Numerous conversations during these activities and one on one conversations during  the dinner helped us to build a truly nurturing and meaningful lifelong learning community. I met all the wonderful teachers who are very passionate about making a difference in the community. It helped me to reflect on my teaching practices and also to gain valuable resources. Even after returning from NCCAT, the continued communication is still going on through online platform. This experience has helped me to grow as a teacher and also strengthened my passion for my profession.


 The river rafting experience was one of a kind! I still cannot believe I went on that journey.  I am glad I did. Thanks to Craig who convinced me to go for it! It  was spectacularly beautiful. During this journey, Donna and Sue jumped in the river from the rock. I truly admire their courage to do so!


 With this positive experience and support network, I am looking forward to having a wonderful teaching career.

Re-energize my enthusiasm and passion in Teaching

That is what I would like to focus on:) I would like to refresh my skills to stay current on the latest research based best practices and technology in teaching! I would like to interact with best fellow colleagues in our state and my mentors to form a strong professional network which will help me to prepare my students to face the challenges in real life.


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