The Looking Glass

I have had a lot of time, of late, to reflect on the lessons that I implemented through Kenan because I have been finalizing the videos I needed to make.  As much as I don’t like to see myself on videotape, I really enjoyed reviewing my students at work.

Let me share some of our moments:

I really love how my already working students took our videotaping as a challenge to be at their best.  AND, I really love how the reality of our classroom remained intact.

I suppose this reflection should be a bit deeper, but honestly, right now, I’m just loving the recorded flashback to last semester.  Basically, after putting all the pieces together during the last two weeks of missed school days, I’m mentally “toast.”  I hope blogs can sometimes be a stream of consciousness and not terribly insightful, because right now the face in the mirror is tired — but happy.

4 thoughts on “The Looking Glass

  1. Donna Podgorny

    Hi Kimberly,
    I am interested in your video making. I am making some with screencastomatic. What tool did you use an d do you have any recommendations?
    I would like to watch the video you posted but I get the message that it is private. Do you plan to make it public?

    1. ktufts Post author

      If you are still interested in the video, I changed it to “unlisted”. That should make it accessible if you have the link (which is embedded on my post). Let me know if you still can’t access it, though.

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