Finding “New-me”

I adore animated movies!  Disney’s “Finding Nemo” is one of my lasting favorites, too!  As I reread my posts from this year and considered the question “Did I Grow As I Had Hoped”, I found myself returning to the original analogy of the fish bowl (school), the pond (local LEA), the lake (state ed.), and the ocean (national/federal ed.).  I think a continuation of that is the best way to share my response.

Now, I have debated whether or not I need to share this, but after laboring over my introduction for WAY too long, I decided to add a small disclaimer/apology.  I am still somewhat heavily medicated from a serious and invasive surgery 2 weeks ago, and I was hoping that completing this blog a wee bit late would atone for the foggy brain.  I am definitely better.  Furthermore, I will be fine.  The surgery had a positive outcome — all’s well.  But, I really can’t let this get any later, so…this may be a weird post.  Sorry about that.


Nemo is a fish in the ocean who is curious about what’s beyond his own “backyard” – his safe place.  He has a handicap, which should mean, he might want to just play it safe and stick to what he knows.  But he doesn’t.  I am Nemo in the world of my school.  My handicap is that I had no idea how to be part of the bigger ocean, and no one with that knowledge was particularly interested in selecting me for any ventures.  There was a general sense, too, that all I needed to do was be good at taking care of the children before me and let the ocean do its own thing.  Nemo defied that mentality and was swept into his adventure somewhat unwittingly, and there our analogous stories diverge.  I was invited to be scooped gently from my home and was merged carefully and gradually into the greater ocean!  Honestly, I was awestruck to find myself in DC this spring, collaborating with like-minded individuals from around the ocean, er, nation.

Did I grow as I had hoped?  Beyond my greatest imaginings!  I am a better practitioner, mentor, collaborator, and leader than I realized I had potential for, and I’ve realized that I could be and do so much more!  I have met some of the most interesting and inspiring people!  I truly count myself blessed to have been a part of the Fellows internship experience and am beyond excited about the possibilities to engage with my Fellow Kenans (met and unmet) in the future.