Monthly Archives: June 2014

Is blogging valuable?

I have never been a blogger.  Even before there was such a thing, I was never a diary-writer or a journal-keeper.  This component of documenting my progress through the Fellowship was a stretch for me.  I do enjoy reading blogs from people who have a gift for writing.  Some of the teachers who wrote blogs as part of our group are amazing writers!  I do not put myself in that category.  Maybe because my logical, step-wise way of thinking lacks the creativity I enjoy reading in a blog?  Maybe because I do not feel that excitement from putting my thoughts into words on a page?  Not sure I’ll ever know.

I do not believe I will continue blogging.  I have enjoyed learning how to do it and I have enjoyed reading about other projects, but I’m not inclined to share all of that information in a blog.  Honestly, time is a major factor.  Life is incredibly hectic, and that’s an excuse, but I find myself having to select the activities that will occupy my time.