Monthly Archives: June 2013


Since the Kenan Fellowships were announced, I have been wondering what all this thing would entail. I applied without much expectation, so my expectations at this point are somewhat unlcear.

After speaking with fellows from last year that did the same program I am doing, I am doing my best to keep an open mind about everything, and am trying to basically be a sponge to all of the information I am getting. For me, staying open to what is going on and NOT setting expectations is a change, and I have been trying to go by that philosophy for this experience.

Of course, there are things I hope will happen due to this experience. I hope to become a better, more effective teacher. I hope that I am inspired to incorporate new and exciting things into my classroom. I hope that the work that I complete through this fellowship has a direct effect on my teaching, and more importantly, on my students.
I also have the idea that doing this will not only impact me currently as a teacher, but will open doors for me down the road. Which doors it may open, I am not sure.