Aha…It’s a veggie and fish diet for me

This summer has been full of a variety of Aha moments that vary from professional development sessions with Kenan and 4H to lab experiences. I would say that it is pretty clear from my past blogs that I did not have a lot of previous knowledge of microbiology and immunology. At this point though I have learned more than I could have ever imagined. This is a good thing especially since I am currently working with the Salmonella team to create curriculum for 4H. I would say that my biggest Aha has occurred during my interactions with chickens, viruses, and bacteria. These experiences have led me to research and ask more questions that maybe would’ve been better unanswered. I have learned quite a lot of things that have steered me away from wanting to consume any meat, especially chicken which before this experience was pretty much the only meat that I have relied on for years. So it is safe to say that the amount of knowledge that I have gained from this experience that I can now apply to my life and teach others about is my biggest Aha.


Here is an image of bleeding a chicken which was my first interaction with an actual chicken and started my research into food safety and chickens.

Bleeding Chicken


One thought on “Aha…It’s a veggie and fish diet for me

  1. asolano

    Is that you drawing blood from the chicken? Wow, talk about a “hands-on experience.”

    Sounds like it was a summer of learning and new experiences.