Social Media in the Classroom

I used Edmodo as my class’ “social learning platform”.  My students and their parents prefer to use this type of “social learning platform” because they find it safer for their children to collaborate among their peers or classmates  like Facebook for my class. Also, I used Edmodo to post our class’ assignments, calendar of activities, quizzes and surveys. I also encourage my students to collaborate online using Edmodo.

I am very cautious with the use of social media in teaching and learning because some of my students are not allowed by their parents to create any social media account. Some parents  felt that their child is not ready or maybe not responsible in posting pictures, personal images or messages online.

Personally, I think that this generation of learners in our classroom is comfortable with the use of social media in their daily life. As educators, I think that it is our responsibility to teach this generation on how to carefully and responsibly use social media daily.