Kenan PDs = Awesome!

My Kenan journey has been great! This journey  gave me enough confidence about my profession. The PD institute at NCCAT was a huge step towards being distinguished in teaching. I love the idea of teaching us how to integrate STEM and technology in teaching.  This helped me engage my students in becoming 21st century digital learners. The second PD institute was very helpful with planning, writing and finalizing and implementing my curriculum. It was a great way to know more about the different  generation/group that works together in one school. I also learned about data analysis and understanding about culture and code switching.  Finally, the third PD was a great way to know the endless possibilities that an educator can influence or change the policies or laws that affects the educational system in the state. It was a great idea to learn how we can make a positive difference with the education policies in NC. As far as Kenan PD application is concerned, our district is currently implementing our “first” STEM Academy. I was part of the planning in establishing the academy. This academy reflects on the knowledge I learned from my Kenan Journey.