The Air is Thinner Up Here

So this is what it feels like up here, huh? On top of the world, on top of my education game, on top of a mountain.

I just spent a week in Cullowhee, NC at NCCAT with a group of some of the most fabulous educators I’ve had the privilege of meeting.

It’s kind of hard to put into words how perfect this past week was for me. I always feel like SUCH a nerd when I’m at school and in meetings with other teachers. I often feel over-zealous and almost misunderstood when I find so much joy and excitement in creating a really incredible, integrated project and discuss the infinite pleasures I find in my teaching profession.

How refreshing to be in the same room with almost 50 other people who feel the way I feel about all this — about reaching kids, about pushing students to achieve their fullest potential, about getting kids completely stoked about learning.

The number of take-aways from this past week are innumerable. I not only learned how to push my kids, but I pushed myself this week, too. The day we spent on the Nantahala River was definitely something out of my comfort zone — I’m not much of a swimmer, and with zero rafting experience and a terrifying “in case you fall out of the raft” video, I was feeling a tad apprehensive. If I could have flashed forward a couple hours from the start of the rafting experience, I would have NEVER imagined I’d be jumping in the river with a new best friend.

It was thrilling, it was cold, it was everything I needed.

I think one of my favorite things about this Kenan experience thus far is how it pushes me. I enjoy getting out of my comfort zone and learning and growing as a person and teacher, and this is the exact thing I needed right now.

Aside from channeling my inner-Bear Grylls on the river, I learned about a ton of new technology tools I can use in my classroom for myself AND my kiddos. It was so interesting hearing about a flipped classroom — I’ve heard of flipping before, but I never knew much about it and I certainly had no idea how I could (IF I could) ever do that in my third grade classroom. I love that there are options involved — I don’t have to flip EVERY little thing, but rather I can choose what to flip. Also, how brilliant is it to video a lesson to show your kids for when you’re absent?! Mind: blown.

It was also generally amazing to have the opportunity to connect with other Kenan Fellows, both past and present. How wonderful hearing about old projects, their impact, and the projects everyone is currently working on with their mentors! It was also neat connecting with people from my PLN on Twitter. I always knew that Twitter was an amazing platform for education, and there I sat with others I followed for so long. So grateful for you folks!

Even with all the negativity encompassing North Carolina education, I have so much hope. There is so much good happening with educators and in schools in this state, and I am beyond blessed and honored to call myself a Kenan Fellow with all you passionate, driven, stellar human beings.

Preparing for Take Off

Let me begin this post by letting the world know that I plan on making every title of my blog posts a flight pun.

I’m working with the North Carolina Science Festival this summer and I’m studying the physics of flight. To be completely honest, I started this week knowing very little about flying — I have limited experience with planes (I didn’t experience an airplane ride for the first time until I was 17-years-old) and I’m terrible at physics.

Sounds like “The First in Flight Challenge” is right up my alley, right?

I took a class at UNC called Physics 100: How Things Work. It was a requirement for my elementary education major, which, at the time, I found to be completely ridiculous. I’ve never studied so hard in my life and I’ve simultaneously never been more proud of a B-. I never thought I would need to have a physics knowledge to teach elementary schoolers, and as soon as I took that class final, I pulled an Elsa and just let it go.

Flash-forward and I’ve knocked out my first two years teaching on my own. Through those two years, I realized how important physics really is and how much I really do love learning how things work.

I constantly encourage my kids to ask questions and to figure out the why and how of things. Now, here I am, practicing what I preach.

I took on this fellowship with great excitement. I knew nothing about flight (see how that is a past participle?!) and was eager to learn something new.

That’s what this is all about for me — learning something new.

My ultimate goal that I’d like to achieve from this fellowship is to have a new experience and learn throughout the process. I want to better myself as both a teacher and a learner so that I can exemplify lifelong learning to my students.

This week has been such a blast. I’m working on lesson plans, reaching out to libraries, and building paper airplanes and testing the designs. Working this week has been an absolute dream and I couldn’t be more thrilled to see how all this works together in the end!