Heather Roof's Blog

Highlight of the week at NCCAT…

The week at NCCAT was filled with many amazing moments…

I am most certain that there is no way I could possibly fit one more smidgen of new information into to my brain for a few days. I will be too busy processing the many amazing sessions, and speakers that I have been fortunate enough to witness this week. I loved the AR sessions, Eric, Erin, and well pretty much everyone, was wonderful! So many unique individuals bursting with talent, and willingness to share, all in the name of the love of teaching.

The new knowledge is GREAT, but I have to say I throughly enjoyed White Water rafting on the Nantahala River the most! What an unbelievable day! Many thanks to all that made it possible.

2 thoughts on “Highlight of the week at NCCAT…

  1. jmosley

    I, too, enjoyed white water rafting. Would you do it again?

    I, also, enjoyed working with you on the “Big Project.” Thanks for all your help and insights.

    1. hroof Post author

      I would go again gladly, like right now! Thank you, I also enjoyed working with you ladies! I think we did pretty good representing the “others” 🙂