Heather Roof's Blog

Writing the Curriculum; the good the bad, and the ugly….

My Experience has been amazing! I am completely in awe at this massive amount of truly valuable information that I have been exposed to this summer. I never knew that there were so many useful tools out there that I was missing out on. Who would have thought it was possible to like data?  This amazing influx of new information both from my Externship, and the professional development has made it  almost impossible to create lesson plans, and it’s a good thing. I have so many great idea, it has been next to impossible to limit to just the small scope of  one little standard. I love the opportunity to branch out into other disciplines.

I have enjoyed finding ways to link other standards to my content. Writing my curriculum through this experience has been a life altering     (and I’m not being dramatic). I am armed with all this new knowledge, I feel so powerful! My class will never be the same.