Heather Roof's Blog

My Aha moment

It is hard to believe I only have one more week at Ply Gem, the summer flown by. I have already logged over 250 hours and I have another week at the “site” as well as many, many more weeks of curriculum development. As fellows we have already survived two sessions of professional development and the school year has not even begun!  As for my “Aha moment” I am not sure that I can pick a moment, I am in the midst of what I refer to as the Summer of Awakening. I have taken in so many valuable words of wisdom, from so many amazing people. I have had the fortune of meeting enlightened professionals, that will forever be resources that I will call on for guidance in and out of the class room.  If I had to pick just one little moment – I would have to say, the moment when I realized that I can make science fun as the kids learn through inquiry. Who needs a boring old text book (which we haven’t had in over five year any way) when you have the whole wide world!

Walking around Ply Gem for the first time with my mentor Chris was a life changing experience.  Who would have thought one little experience could have such a massive effect. I saw professional using all of the skills my kids complain about…. they didn’t even know they were using Newton’s Laws to make their jobs easier, or Physics, and ALGEBRA (every one thinks they will never use algebra, it is evil and meant to  cause children to fail) . Now how do I bring this experience, what I already know to my kids…. I have few ideas, and am feverishly working on tons of projects.


More to come…


Here is the link for my video:


