Japanese Visiting Students Discover Mentors

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This week we had the visit of teachers and students from Shinonome Junior High, our partner school in Japan, and shared wonderful moments. One of those was a visit to the Nature Research Center in Raleigh; I wanted to share with them what our students are doing now, being citizen scientists. So we went on a tour of the Nature Research Center labs, where we met with all the Students Discover scientists and mentors. It felt so good being back there….remembering a great summer.

Our 8 middle schoolNRC students, 8 Shinonome Junior High Student, two Shinonome teachers, and us (two teachers from Exploris) listened to all what the scientist had to say about their projects, showing us materials used for their projects, technology involved, and  pictures, as they shared their excitement about being scientists. All the students listened carefully, asked questions, and looked through microscopes. They couldn’t believe some of the things they heard, like having mites in our faces. They wanted to put trap cameras in their house backyards to check  out which mammals go around their house at night.IMG_1593

I think this was a great opportunity for this students to realize they can also do “real science” in the classroom.
