Citizen Scientists at Work

I can’t find words to express how grateful I am for this Kenan Fellowship experience. Through Dr. Bucky  Gates and his Paleo lab I have learned so much, I feel empowered, and ready to put all that knowledge into practice.

We have started our “JAWS- Forensics” Case study where our students are becoming scientists and Taphonomists. We have been studying prehistoric Earth, and now beginning to “dig for fossils”. This past Thursday we took our 6th graders to the Aurora Fossil Museum, place where we had the opportunity to meet and listen to Ray McKeithan, Manager of Public and Government Affairs at Potash Corp, the Aurora Phosphate Mine, who talked to our students and answered their questions. It’s great to see the beginning of a IMG_1621collaborative relationship with the Phosphate mine.






After that session, all students went to the museum exhibits, looking at fossils, and especially looking at shark teeth. As scientists do, they were gathering information about the different shark teeth on display, how they are arranged in the upper and lower jaws, and how they vary by species.


And the best part came later. All students had the chance to go find shark teeth! at the pile of discarded material from the phosphate mine, at the Museum. They enjoyed that so much, as they became familiar with finding shark teeth (skill necessary fort he upcoming lessons). Some collected around 20, some even 30 or 40 different shark teeth. But the happiest student was the one that found the biggest half tooth in the pile; a Megalodon tooth.








It was funny because we continued our trip, going to Manteo, then Plymouth, and the next day to little Washington. Everywhere we stopped there was a road, a side walk or pathway made with the discarded material from the mine, and every chance the students had, we could see them on the ground looking for shark teeth…..

What a wonderful trip with the kids! And a great experience for them.
