Hopes and Gains

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The irony of me having to keep this blog all year long is that I have my students do the same thing. AND THEY LOVE IT!!! [enter sarcastic chuckle here]

There is much I believe I could write about regarding what I hope to experience and gain from this fellowship both over the summer, and throughout the course of the year. While I hope that I will learn greatly from my internship, spending my time in an environment that I am not an expert in, nor comfortable with my knowledge of, I think my accumulated time through the internship in combination with the fellowship is going to allow me to grow as an professional educator through innumerable ways.


I believe that this fellowship will allot me the opportunity to grow as a teacher leader in my profession. To share with others the gains that I made from my experience at Cotton Inc., and then the knowledge that is provided to me through KFP, such as the PD workshops we attended in Cullowheee. In addition, I believe that the KFP will provide me the opportunity to begin leading workshops and programs outside of the four walls of my school community, sharing my personal expertise and experiences from the year.


I anticipate that the KFP will also help to improve and fine-tune my skills as an educator within this year. To begin, the KFP will provide me with a series of PD throughout the year that will give me an immediate chance to turn around and share this with my professional community. I also anticipate that the product I am helping to create with Cotton Inc. [through KFP] will allocate itself in different communities, where I will be given a chance to share this product to help elevate the classroom experience.
