6/25/15 What do you hope to gain from your fellowship experience? Describe how being a Kenan Fellow could elevate your teaching career. Being a Kenan Fellow has the potential to elevate my teaching career in many ways. I will be exposed to many resources, websites, applications and forms of technology. My goal is to incorporate many of these tools into my… Read more »
6/22-26/15 Week 2 NCCAT: North Carolina Center for the Achievement of Teachers. This is a perfect setting which correlates to my summary of the week’s activities. In the same way in which we drove “up”… Read more »
6/15-19/15 1. Introductions:This week we met the ASSIST Team. ASSIST is the acronym for Advanced Self-Powered Systems of Integrated Systems and Technologies. The goal is to create wearable devices that will monitor a persons vitals while harvesting energy from the body to power this function. This will allow more frequent and accurate data collection. This lends itself to the ability… Read more »