Ben Gillespie was our NCSU Graduate Student who taught the Nanotechnology Kenan Group the C++ computer code needed to program the Arduino LilyPad Models. He was kind to offer to teach my elective students the programming. He arrived September 9, 2015 from Asheville, NC before leaving for Spain. He explained the concepts of the Arduino LilyPad and gave tips when writing software for programming the Arduino LilyPad.
My students made efforts to incorporate the information and downloaded the software after his demonstration to get their Arduinos, blinking, vibrating and playing sounds. They will make decisions about their projects now that they know more about the device and its sensors and responses.
Prior to Ben’s visit, my students were provided information on the Engineering Design Process and practice, the One Health Initiative and how to use the Arduino in the computer lab. I walked them through downloading programming samples to test their Arduino and get more ideas for their projects. The follow-up included their searching more programs for their project. Two days was provided for working through the design of their project with their team. Special consideration are given for learning to negotiate with their team while brainstorming ideas and solving the problem.
Students are aware that they will be designing a One Health Project for the One Health Challenge. Two Teams of four will go to the competition from our school. At this point, many have ideas that could prove promising for the future. I am curious to see their final projects.