Goals of My Internships

 The Goals of my internship are as follows:
Develop educational lessons with focus on one or more of the following:

one health, energy harvesting, sensing, system design, e‐textiles,

nanotechnology, and/or engineering design/prototyping.

Ex: Lesson Plan (1)* ‐ One Health wearable sensor

Lesson Plan (2) ‐ Engineering Design process

Lesson Plan (3) ‐ Energy Harvesting Demonstration

I plan to write the three lesson plans which I will utilize in my classroom. The Wearable Sensor will be based on our project “Hot Stuff”, which helps warn a person if they are getting to hot to prevent heat stroke by making a sensor that detects a human’s body temperature and also tracks the ambient air temperature. The Sensor will either vibrate, make a sound or give off lights as an alert if the person’s body temperature increases to much which can lead to heat stroke and also acerbate existing health issues i.e. increase seizures  in people with epilepsy.

This will work well with curriculum goals in Grade 6 of Weather and Effects, Grade 7 of Body Systems, and Grade 8 Environment and Chemistry. I plan to use the Lilly Pad and teach the students coding too. The next lesson plan on Engineering Design will focus on how Engineering Design works and how students can first use come up with a concept for solving an issue, then make a Mind Map and then determine the user, sensor, form factor and alert, then go forth with the Engineering Design Project using the sensors we have. I wanted to implement more projects with Engineering Design in mind, not just the Scientific Method. This process will help me do this.  Energy is a big topic in Grades 6 and 8 so teaching about Energy Harvesting and ways to reduce energy needs of a system will fit will in the curriculum. I plan to teach about using motion to make energy and also ways to reduce energy consumption within a system.These lesson plans I also plan to share with other educators in PLTs and Conferences and on NSTA Website. This will help others learn about these technologies and concepts.

Apply understanding of sensing technologies & system design toward the

fabrication of a One Health inspired wearable sensor system.

Students will develop their own wearable device. This will help with my work in having my students be leaders and learners of science. I will have the students showcase their work to other students and the public. This will help them be the ones that shine and help the public see students with disabilities as science leaders and educators. This also will help them learn about career paths in the future they might want to study as they become engaged in this topic.  My goals as an educator the teaches high quality STEM, applied science and technologies  that helps students not only increase their knowledge but also utilize their knowledge to improve their future by careers and their community by helping solve problems and issues. It also is important for teaching  life skills such as learning perseverance, using their skills to help others, and learn about the interconnectedness of the environment, animals and people in One World One Health.

Create infrastructure around One Health Competition to allow for staged

growth & program sustainability.

This year I plan to start team for the One Health Competition so students can develop their wearable devices and solve a current issue. This also will expose them to what other students in the state are doing to solve problems. I want in the future to add this to our Global Projects. Last year we did a water project with a school in Singapore. I would like in the future to do a Wearable Device Project with students from another county. This helps our students learn more about their world which is important. Many of my students have not even been to the beach so exposure to students in other countries has allowed them not only to learn science but about other cultures and countries. I want my students to see value to their work and this competition will help them do so and help us understand how to do this before we work with another school globally on a project.

My other goal as an educator is to involve the parents and community. My students can do this by teaching the community in events such as our science fair or museum exhibit. In addition this lets them shine and having students and the community as viewing them as community contributors and leaders. I also plan to add an inquiry bags on this topic as part of my Zach Packs ( Inquiry bags I made on 40+ Common Core Topics for students to complete labs and activities at home) so students can also work at home on this. This helps put science at home and parents involved in their child’s learning.

I see this Fellowship very related to my work as an educator and growing daily in terms of the impact it will make on me and my students. I see this as a continual process as I am continually learning and using the knowledge and new skill sets to improve learning and futures of my students.

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