Fellowship in Action

This month has been very busy with putting all I learned into action.  In my classroom my students have been learning the basics of electricity with snap circuits and squishy circuits. We also have been utilizing many lab books I have on electricity and other materials Dr. Jur and the ASSIST Center purchased for us. After the students finish learning the basics we will move on to a utilizing sensors and building a wearable device.

I was able to find a volunteer, Kelli Whelan, an Environmental Engineering Doctoral Student who comes weekly to our classes to teach the students more about pollution. This is a nice treat and the students are learning lots about pollution.

We went on a wonderful field trip this month to the Hunt Library, where we had a tour of the robot, technologies and library. We then went to the Textile Department and students saw how cloth, thread and clothes were made. Next we headed to the ASSIST Center, where students learned about nanotechnology and wearable devices and completed an engineering challenge. We ended the field trip with a visit to the solar house and learning how all its technologies worked. The students really enjoyed the field trips and learned lots. The Field Trip was sponsored by ATT Pioneers so the students could attend free, since 90% of my students qualify for Free/Reduced lunch rate and all could attend.

We have two other field trips planned this year to: National Institute of Environmental Health where students will learn about environmental research and nanotechnology. In addition we will also participate in a Tech Expo in the spring.

My students will participate in One World One Health Conference and we have found a school to partner with in Monrovia Liberia. Students will develop a wearable device to help these students in this area which will help solve an environmental/health issue.  We will utilize Google Docs and we are excited for the students to also learn more about life in Africa. I am excited that my students who have disabilities also learn they have much to give and can help “save the world”.

I also plan to have the ASSIST Center Staff work with my high school students in Catalyst: Creating Opportunities in STEM for Students with Disabilities. They will come to some of our Saturday Sessions to teach the kids about nanotechnology, wearable devices and careers.

I am really grateful to all the opportunities this Fellowship has given me to increase my knowledge and teaching skills. I am daily utilizing what I learned to help my students.

I am excited to share all I learned with others to improve their skill set and students knowledge, in the upcoming conferences which I am presenting: Bridging the Gap and NSTA Conference in Philadelphia. I also will be having Dr. Merrill, WCPSS Superintendent visit my classroom next week and see all the kids have learned from my Kenan Fellowship. I am also trying to change educational policy and all I learned through my Fellowship by: the article I published in EdNC, talking to central office staff at WCPSS, as part of NSTA Special Education Advisory Board and also as part of NC Science Leadership Association. I continue to grow and learn from the Kenan Fellowship daily and look forward to our upcoming PD.