Finished Product

WOW, I cannot believe I have finished my final product.  I had so much fun planning and working on my product.

My project required a lot of time and planning to make it successful.  I brought in my mentor and a nurse from the hospital to check cholesterol, blood pressure, and glucose levels of all my students in my Math 1 class (21 students).  Before we could perform these test, I had to get it approved from my Superintendent, Principal, parents, and my mentor also had to get it approved at the hospital level.  There were a lot of paper work to go along with just getting it approved.  However, after getting it approved, everything else seemed easy.  My students really enjoyed having the nurses come in to perform the test and being able to use their own data in math class.  With their data students created scatterplots, drew trend lines, and calculated the linear regression.

Even though it was a long process to make my product successful, I plan on doing this same activity every year with my Math 1 students.  I would also like to be able to do it with my regular 8th Grade Math Students in the future.  I would even like to get more schools involved.  Maybe starting out with adding 1 school every year and just doing Math 1 Students.  I really feel that this project would benefit every student in my County.


2015-James-12 2015-James-13 2015-James-03 2015-James-08