Benefits for My Mentor’s Organization

My internship will benefit my mentor’s organization in several ways.  By allowing an educator to come into Vidant Duplin and work in different departments will help the employees evaluate their own knowledge of their profession.  The employees all know how to do their job and do it well.  However, when they have to be able to explain it to someone else, it makes them think about what they are doing and why they are doing what they are doing.  When I was going through the different departments, I had several employees tell me they had to sit down and think about where  and how they used math because they know they use it daily but had not had to explain it to anyone in a while.  It’s a way to help the employees to keep all of their knowledge about their profession fresh.

My internship also benefits the hospital by introducing the students to health related careers early.  Most students have a general idea of what the major health care professions do but some they have never heard of or have no idea what they do.  By bringing in an educator into the health field, it will allow the educator to become familiar with different health care jobs that they can introduce to their students.  This will help give the students knowledge of different types of health care jobs that they may want to look into themselves and hopefully purse after high school.  This will help increase students who go into the health field because they are aware of all the opportunities at an early age.

1 thought on “Benefits for My Mentor’s Organization

  1. Joy, my fellowship also provided me with insight of the endless careers available under the STEM umbrella. I learned about so many different careers as well as specifics about the courses that my sudents should be prepared to take in college. While touring the facilities at NC State and talking with students, I learned that majority of the engineering majors must take a programming class! I plan to use this information when my students begin learning how to program. “Hey guys, get ahead of the game…..learn how to program early”!

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