Internship Goals

I have enjoyed my internship at Vidant Duplin Hospital.  I have been able to spend time working in different departments throughout the hospital and learning  different ways each department uses mathematics. I plan on taking what I have learned in each department and developing a lesson plan that fits into my curriculum.  This will provide my students with real life situations and introduce them to the different jobs relating to the health field.  During my internship I have also learned work skills other professionals need that are outside of the education field.  I am planning on teaching my students some of these work skills to help them prepare for different professions they may be interested in.  Being able to provide my students these opportunities will broaden their knowledge about real life situations and health care professions they may not have ever heard about or would have gotten the opportunity to see if I had not planned to bring it back into my classroom.

“For the things we have to learn before we can do, we learn by doing.” ~ Aristotle