Reflecting on My Intern Thus Far

My internship experience was spent with some phenomenal teachers and two great mentors. Jess and Elena made sure our summer was full of learning, idealizing, and hands-on learning. When I started the intern, I did not know it was going to expose me to the different parts of engineering, text tiles, prototypes, programming, and new health initiatives. I toured a total of 10 facilities, created three lesson plans, participated in the ASSIST symposium, and gained some COOL resources to take back to my classroom.

If I had to identify a challenge this summer, it would be working on a team prototype and being able to further incorporate some of my summer learning into my classroom. Working in teams can be very productive, as long as all team members respect each other’s attributes and remember to incorporate all team members in the production process. I also had difficulty with learning how to use the Aurdino LilyPad. I took one programming course in college and this was my first time seeing it since 2002. I do plan on extending my understanding and presenting a lesson to my classes with the LilyPad. Stay turned for a lesson presentation update.

My mentors were by far the coolest instructors to work with. At all times I felt like I was surrounded by beauty and brains. Jess Jur and Elena Veety made sure we learned, was fed, and answered any questions that loomed our day. The next step to my relationship with my intern comes from my classroom visits. My mentors are set to visit my class this fall to meet my students and extend on our experience. Jess and Elena taught me so MUCH in 5 weeks of visiting them now I have to take my learning back to my students.

One cool mission I plan to embark on this school year will be the One Health Initiative challenge with my students. My vision is to teach the lessons created this summer by all of my fellow teachers to my 7th grade elective class. I would like for my elective theme to be Nanotechnology and OneHealth. I will have everything I need at my finger tips as all lessons can be found on the ASSIST One Health website. Please come back in the late fall to read about my journey with my students, Jess, and Elena.