Monthly Archives: September 2015

Getting it done!

One of the biggest ‘take away’s’ I received at Kenan Fellows PD and my internship last summer was the importance of simply sharing ideas, strategies, and struggles with other people. Opening up and being transparent about life– personal and professional– were some of the pretty big risks I took over the summer.

Now that I am back at school I’ve continued to infuse my lessons with the lessons I learned over the summer. I find myself talking about the things I saw or learned on a regular basis– even we aren’t having an ‘energy related discussion’.

I am finding that energy use and resources find their way into more discussions and examples than I ever thought possible. Its been a common thread through many lessons and I am so thankful to have had the experience.

As I continue to move through the semester I am sure that I will rely even more on my experiences and new colleagues to make connections to my classroom.