Blogging personally I think can be a hit or miss depending on the blogger and the intent of blogging. This blog site has definitely allowed me to see what other professionals are doing as well as how they are applying industry to academia. Personally I don’t enjoy blogging as much as I do reading other people’s blogs. I will most… Read more »
Overall I feel very privileged to have had the opportunity to be a Kenan Fellow. It has awarded me many insights into teaching that I don’t think I would have had without participating in the program. It was great working with other individuals who were interested in personal growth their profession. My original hopes for the program were overall fulfilled…. Read more »
Working on my Kenan Fellowship Lesson has been a very interesting experience. Finding a way to connect the summer project to transform it into a classroom lesson wasn’t as difficult for me as it was to catch the kids up with fundamental skills needed. The statistics portion of my lesson was very easy. However, the students were not well versed… Read more »
Being both a teacher and coach has opened many opportunities for me to demonstrate to my students the ties between academia and life. My Kenan project had me working with the statistics on running and track. Being a track and cross country coach and having my athletes also in my AP Statistics class, this was a great opportunity to bridge… Read more »
Working with Kenan Fellows has opened my eyes to how much an integral part each discipline is regardless of the common stereotypes. I loved the opportunity to show my students that even though we were working primarily with mathematics, that all of the disciplines could contribute and are actually needed. I think this is one of the main things the… Read more »
The partnership opportunities that were opened due to the Kenan Fellowship have been endless. It was great working with Dr. Smith to further develop the connection between academic statistics and real world applications of statistics. It was a great opportunity to see what current professionals are researching and where they need help after academia. It has been a great opportunity… Read more »
Professional development can always seem like a drag or complete obligation instead of a choice that we as teachers can make to further develop our craft. The Kenan Fellowship did a great job allowing teachers to pick and choose their professional development based on their specific interests and needs. I really enjoyed being able to develop my own learning plan… Read more »
The fellowship this summer was great because of the collaboration throughout the professional development session and working with a mentor. There were a lot of ideas that were presented regarding applications that can be used in the classroom, as well as curriculum application in the classroom. The opportunity has given me the chance to broaden my thinking to encompass data… Read more »
I am looking forward to applying the use of data from my internship into my curriculum/classroom. The students in our classes usually get a very refined, published data set that has been cleaned up and formatted. The students have rarely had the chance to work with raw, uncleaned data and develop a well supported conclusion for a model by performing… Read more »
This fellowship has been a great opportunity for me to reflect upon my curriculum and how real-world scenarios are integrated into the curriculum. I’ve been working as an individual on the project with a single mentor. He has offered a variety of thoughts and applications of statistics for my classroom. He has been very knowledgeable and helpful, and is very… Read more »