As a budding Kenan Fellow, I am not entirely sure what to expect. I came into this with limited knowledge, applying solely on the recommendation of two fellow teachers whom I trust and respect a great deal. I heard robots, research, and engineering and said “sure, I’ll do that”. Now I’m in the starting gate and there are all these questions of career advancement, networking, and buzzword after buzzword. As a person with a physics background, I have a habit of simplifying problems that I find overwhelming. So put simply, I am seeking to start my “professional career” on a very high note. My teaching career is new, I don’t have much figured out yet. I still have the BT training wheels on. Now I have something to give my career a trajectory. I mean, I’m coming out guns blazing. Before I have passed the time requirements of being off the leash, I am discussing big issues with educators from across the state. Without the forced structure of the label “PD”, I can learn from people who could be my parents what to look for in this absolutely insane job. Coming in burned out and questioning, I have had a chance to look to leaders in the profession who have been doing this since I was the age of their students. The diversity in this program is only going to push my ideas further. I am looking forward to the unknowns. To learn what I don’t know. To see my blind spots. To be chastised. To give new perspective. To be rejected and challenge others’ ideas. Its is melee so far and I hope it stays that way.