I missed the first two days of NCCAT due to a little dental mishap. I spent a few days with one less tooth than usual. Thankfully my dentist restored order to my mouth and I was on my way to the NC mountains. Skipping all the details of what went on (that would ruin the magic and secrecy) lets go straight to a post mortem. The best part of my few days at NCCAT was spending time with other teachers. I learned from them. We joked around. They talked about school entirely too much. Big topics in education floated in and out of conversation and there was an unspoken rule of open-sharing. The time spent together discussing and driving our own PD was greater than any other “develeopment” I have experienced. It was what I always wish PD would be at my school. Teacher led, applicable, and engaging. Teachers teaching teachers will always make my soul feel good.