How will being a Kenan Fellow help me in my career as a teacher. I will gain new knowledge and viewpoints of the teaching world. I am hoping to become a better teacher. I will make contacts with people that I did not know and help my fellow teachers by getting guest speakers to come into their classroom. The highlight… Read more »
What do I hope to gain from being a Kenan Fellow? I hope to meet new teachers with great ideas that I can then use to teach my students in fun and exciting ways. I also want to learn about a company that is vital to my county and my students. Many of my students have families that own and… Read more »
I enjoyed my day on the Nantahala river. I learned many things that as a science and social studies teacher that I can use in my classroom. Several examples would be …How cold the water was at the end of June and the reasons for that. I learned that there is a dam and they have to open it to… Read more »
Learning different ways to engage my students! I am meeting a lot of new teachers and getting a lot of great ideas to take back to the classroom. I plan to implement to classcraft as a management tool into my classroom. I am hoping that it works and that I do not get overwhelmed with it and my students like… Read more »
On June 17th, I started my journey with Kenan Fellows. I meet with my Sponsor and Interns that are working with Smithfield this summer. We toured a research faculty that is located outside of Rose Hill, NC. I have already learned information that will help me connect with my students in new ways. Thank you Smithfield and Kenan Fellows for… Read more »
Join me on my Journey as I learn about Smithfield Hog Production and the role that it plays in my county.